Saturday, October 22, 2005


I guess not all endeavors begin with a "big bang." Like so many others, I have so much to say and don't really know where to begin. I have no concern for amassing a copious following of philosophers, fundamentalists, cynics, scholars, automatons, or cyber-wanderers. Whether you've sought me out, or stumbled upon this site while searching for horticulture tips, thank you. I will say that I think too much, have too many opinions (which rarely follow any linear fashion), and rarely say what people want to hear. But If you care to listen, know that I will always write from the heart and never look back. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, "Speak today what it is you feel in words as hard as cannonballs, and speak tomorrow in words just as hard, though it may contradict everything you said the day before." I am not terribly concerned with grammar, style or format - I am interested only in intelligible content. The gloves are off, there is no room for moderates, and there is no agenda at The Seed other than beginning a polemic process of self-evaluation. All are welcome, provided you are capable of listening, contributing, and searching for truth. This isn't some new age, self-gratifying, vapid, blog; it is simply - a beginning.

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